Founder & Visionary
Keep Track Services
Keep Track became a vision of mine after a story told by my mother about how her house burned down as a child. My sister and I understood that losing a home is devastating and costly; we did, after all, once run a real estate appraisal firm. What about the contents in the home? Who knew what was lost, or could estimate the value of lost belongings? My sister recalled an article in Entrepreneur Magazine she and a co-worker discovered a few years ago on this subject. After a short deliberation, we drew up a business plan and Keep Track: Home and Business Inventory Service was conceived. With our real estate appraisal and bookkeeping experience we created the DAVIS System. The DAVIS System is a five step process to inventory a home, or business; allowing home/business owners to ‘Keep Track’ of their valuables and to be confident and prepared in the event of a catastrophe.